Precision Solutions, Elevated Results



Our Services


UAV Development

Experience the forefront of drone technology with Calgary UAV’s AI-driven customized drone development. Revolutionizing industries through advanced AI and machine learning integration

UAV Training

Our comprehensive UAV training programs provide the knowledge and skills needed to excel as a drone pilot in Calgary and beyond


Harness the potential of drone technology for precision agriculture in Calgary. Our services provide data-driven insights for optimized farming

Municipality Aerial Inspection

Experience urban planning like never before with Calgary UAV’s municipal services, driving smarter city development

About Us

Welcome to AeriaLogic, a leading UAV technology company based in Canada.

We hold Advanced Pilot and Flight Reviewer Certificate licensed by Transport Canada, ESRI GIS Certificate, and ISO 9001:2015, and maintain a safety Certificate of Recognition (COR) through Energy Safety Canada.


Who Are We​

At AeriaLogic, we provide comprehensive UAV solutions for diverse industries. Our expertise covers UAV development, training, and specialized services for agriculture, municipalities, and more. With cutting-edge technology and tailored solutions, we empower clients to harness the transformative power of UAVs. From designing advanced UAV systems to offering training programs and specialized services, we deliver end-to-end solutions that drive innovation, efficiency, and success in your industry. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of UAV technology.


Our Mission​

We are dedicated to providing innovative solutions that drive efficiency, sustainability, and success for our clients. Through our expertise and tailored approach, we strive to empower businesses to embrace the possibilities of emerging technologies, transform their operations, and achieve their goals. Our mission is to be a trusted partner, delivering cutting-edge solutions that propel industries forward into a more prosperous and sustainable future.


Our Values​

Excellence: Delivering exceptional quality
Integrity: Upholding honesty and transparency
Collaboration: Fostering partnerships
Customer-Centricity: Putting clients at the forefront
Innovation: Embracing creativity

Would you like to start a project with us?​

AeriaLogic is constantly looking for opportunities to work with forward thinking people and organzitions

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